Tea Leaves, Inc is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 2009 and headquartered in Ithaca, N.Y. Our mission is to share opportunities, ideas, and business knowledge with emerging micro-entrepreneurs and struggling charitable organizations in the developing world and to help create sustainable businesses that can compete on a local and international scale.
Monetary donations of any amount are always needed and can go a long way to helping fund Tea Leaves' Projects. See Projects page to see our current projects. Tea Leaves, Inc is a NYS registered Non-Profit Organization and our tax id number is 27-1394052.
Community Vision
Tea Leaves works with emerging entrepreneurs to develop sustainable enterprises that can compete in unsaturated markets. For each project identified, Tea Leaves organizers select participants that meet the income guidelines and have the skills, interest and other qualifications to succeed. Once participants have been selected, they are paired with volunteer mentors to develop products that are under-represented in local markets and which can be successfully introduced into wider markets. During this time, workshops and trainings are provided to give participants the skills needed for building a competitive business. Participants are assisted with a range of tasks, from locating and obtaining start up costs, to marketing and business plan development. After the initial set up, Tea Leaves volunteers and staff work closely with participants to create a strong foundation for the new business. Ongoing support is provided as necessary through the regional offices.